
Friday 10 April 2015

West Indies Date Change For Australian Tour :

Late rescheduling permits Australians to invest additional time in UK before Ashes begin:

The West Indies Cricket Board has declared Australia's matches in the Caribbean have all been displayed two days.

Australia's two-Test visit now begins in only 47 days' opportunity, with a three-day warm-up match in Antigua beginning on May 27.

That match now begins only three days after the Indian Premier League last where a few individuals from Australia's Test squad could predictably emphasize.

The principal Test for Australia's safeguard of the Frank Worrell Trophy now begins on June 3 in Dominica and the second Test in Jamaica now begins at Sabina Park on June 11.

The stream on impact implies Australia will have the capacity to touch base in the UK two days sooner than already arranged, giving the group 10 days in the UK to adapt before the first match of that visit, a warm-up amusement against Kent.

The change is certain to toss out arrangements for various Australian fans wanting to go to the Caribbean, one of the more appealing destinations for cricket.

WICB chief of cricket operations, Roland Holder, recognized the change the progressions would result in yet said they were unavoidable.

"We are completely mindful that there are various fans wanting to go around and to the Caribbean for the Australia visit, and we need to disclose to them that the change was totally vital, because of various logistical difficulties outside our ability to control," Holder said. Cricket Australia's contracted players are presently on leave, as are a large portion of the group's elite staff. Australia's Test squad is required to collect in Antigua on May 19, in front of the IPL play-offs.

Australia's Caribbean visit

Might 27-29: Tour match – Vivian Richards Cricket Ground, Antigua

June 3-7: 1st Test – Windsor Park, Dominica

June 11-15: 2nd Test – Sabina Park, J.


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